Her Talks, Workshops and teachings on Om meditation, Subconscious Mind Power and mindfulness meditation are very popular around the World. She also leads Group Meditation Workshops and retreats.
Core Teachings of Banani Ray
“No one and nothing outside of you can give you salvation, or free you from the misery. You have to light your own lamp. You have to know the miniature universe that you yourself are.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“God is not just a metaphysical theory, but the existential truth of the universe. God is actually a living phenomena underlying you, me, our planet earth and the whole of existence. Your own body is the highest shrine of the divine.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Learn to access God within you. You are, as everyone is, the most sacred expression of the divinity. This is an unalterable truth for saints and sinners alike, however fallen one may appear in the eyes of the world.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“God is hidden within you, within me, within a bird, a flower or a butterfly. Every moment of our existence is an opportunity to discover God, the Essence, the Tao, the Presence, the Cosmic Consciousness, or the Buddha Nature— whatever you’d like to call it. This life is an opportunity to find God within us, within our fellow beings, within our surroundings. This is the highest worship of God.”- From the book Glory of Om
“You do not need to go to any temple or church to worship God. The whole existence is God’s temple. Your own body is the temple of God. Your own heart is the shrine. You do not need to subscribe to any religion to experience God. The only religion you need to experience God is love, kindness and respect to all beings. You do not need any preacher or prophet to learn about God. The teaching is spread on the trees and the mountains, on the stars and the river, on the Sun and the moon. The ultimate teaching is written in your heart. You just need to wake up and see.” – From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Blind faith in belief-system, ideologies, doctrine or dogma can never set us free. Only the knowledge of truth can set us free; only the knowledge of truth can liberate us from the slavery of doctrine, dogmas, blind faiths and religious sects that fail to deliver the truth. Only the knowledge of Truth can make us fearless, blissful and free.” From the book Glory of Om
“Why should we meditate? We need to meditate to nourish ourselves. Meditation is an art of Self-love, Self-nourishment and Self-nurturing. You can truly love others only when you love yourself; you can take care of others only when your own inner being is nourished, relaxed and peaceful.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Meditation is a process of paying attention to yourself. Through this process, you find your God-Self; you find God that manifests as ‘others’. Only then you can truly love others.” – From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Om is the things, Om is the ingredient, Om is the container and the content of this universe.” – Glory of Om
“Age is nothing but accumulation of memories. Aging happens by living in memory. If you want to remain youthful and happy, live in the present.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Awakening is the ultimate of religion. Religion is, not really, in believing something outside of your being. It is not in believing or following some authoritative figure, the church, temple, organization or any ideological system of belief. Religion is trusting in what is eternal within you.” – From the book Awakening inner Guru
“The union of the divine God consciousness with the playful cosmic life-force is the essential goal of spiritual journey. Life energy is the gateway to pure consciousness.” – From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Body is the starting point in that spiritual journey. The dynamic play of the energy of pure consciousness is taking place in each cell of our body, in every moment. The pulsations, the subtle vibrations, the movement of the energies in the body are the doorways to realize the Divine union.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“We are connected to everybody and everything at the deepest layer of our being. Hence bearing anger, hatred or ill-will towards anybody, only harms us in the end. When we understand this deeply in our heart, genuine good-will flowers within us.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“A gentle look, a gentle touch, a gentle word has enormous power. Gentleness is the way of accessing the power and strength of God. Joy and happiness are the result of gentleness. Forgiveness comes from gentleness.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“All of us are cosmic beings, eternally linked to each other. Our positive and pure vibration can make the world pure and happy.” – From the book Om Sutra
“By listening to the sensation of breath, you can rediscover your inner being.” – From the book Om Sutra
“Freedom is my religion. Peace is my God. Love is my worship.” – From the book World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird- A Story
“As a dream is created by the mind, inside the mind, this Universe is also a creation of the mind. The state of complete cessation of mental modifications is the essence pure consciousness, the supreme peace, the supreme Self.” – From the book Om Sutra
“A calm mind is a sacred mind, as it gradually attains the sacred state of the no mind.”- Om Sutra
“The mind is actually an extension of the body, the subtler part of it. The mind is the subtle part of body as the body is the grosser part of mind. The mind is another manifestation of the same energy that the body is made of. As a tree is rooted on the earth, the mind is rooted in this body.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“The observer and the object of observation are part of one indivisible consciousness. Thus, the reality, seen from the individual perspective, is evidently relative, where observer is the part of the observed phenomena.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Everything we experience, everything we feel and everything we do is an expression of our consciousness. Consciousness is the very basis of our existence. Consciousness of this body is felt as this body; consciousness of a pain is a pain, consciousness of joy is joy, consciousness of a taste is experienced as a taste and so on. Nothing can exist for us if we do not experience it within our consciousness”.- From the book Awakening Inner Guru
“We have within us our born nature, which is made of ever-changing matter, the body and the mind— its thoughts and emotions; and we have within us our unborn nature — that part within us that never dies and is nener born. Our born nature, the inert nature is to be guided and ruled by our intelligent, unborn nature. If the inert nature is not kept under continuous supervision of our unborn nature, it may create havoc. Here comes the need for continuous awareness of our speech, actions and thoughts. This is another name of surrender; it is continuous surrender of our born nature to our unborn nature, which is of the nature of awareness”.- From the book Awakening Inner Guru
“Within the temple of the body is the hidden shrine of our consciousness. From the tip of our toe to the top of our head, every cell is throbbing with the music of the energy of the consciousness. Once it is studied deeply, understood deeply, you will learn the art of opening its mysteries.”- From the book Awakening inner Guru
“Love and ego can never exist together, just as the Sun and shadow cannot.”- From the book Awakening Inner Guru
“We are not strangers in this journey of life…We are connected to each other through this mysterious field of love.”- From the book Awakening Inner Guru
“No one and nothing outside of you can give you salvation, or free you from the misery. You have to light your own lamp. You have to know the miniature universe that you yourself are.” From the book Awakening Inner Guru